约翰鞋匠的 前列腺癌 diagnosis in 2006 launched the self-described "data-driven" former tech executive on a months-long research project. 62岁的老人降落时 Dr. 彼得·卡罗尔的 office, he knew a great deal about 前列腺癌 and the nation's top experts who treat it. 仍然, 当听到卡罗尔的建议:密切关注你的癌症时,他大吃一惊, 但在必要之前不要治疗. 将近17年过去了,舒梅克仍然留任 积极监测 他的病也没有进展. "The strongest, most positive thing I can say is it hasn't affected me at all," he says. "I have lived exactly the same life I would've lived if I hadn't been diagnosed."